Offboarding Checklist
For offboarding employees
- Transfer all meetings to either the relevant owner OR manager (if no relevant owner available)
- If responsible for invoices, ensure final invoice is sent out.
- Update README (Private) to call out change of status. Consider leaving a personal email, linkedIn contact so people can keep in touch.
- Create an offboarding doc that has the following
- Links to documentation of any services that you owed
- Next steps on any outstanding tasks
- After offboarding doc has been completed and verified by manager, delete all private dendron repositories from local computer. Send email confirmation to @kevin (Private) that this has been done
- Schedule exist interview
For managers
before last day
send employee Offboarding Checklist
Go over offboarding steps
Create sendoff doc
Mark last day in Rippling
Schedule an Exit Interview
on last day
Run payroll for outstanding pay
Remove access from Discord. Check that employee is no longer in Dendron Team
a month after last day
Remove from gsuite workspace (Private) (rippling does not do this)