Daily Asyncs


Daily Asyncs are where all asyncs are posted. Think of it as a company wide bus for information.


Its easy to lose messages in discord, especially announcements. Daily asyncs give us one source of truth for all team wide announcements



  1. After you have created your Async Meetings, paste it into the Daily Async GDoc (Private) for today's date
  • If no date exists for today, create one
  • If date exists, add your async to the top of the list
    • It is easy to look at the first item under the day and think there are no outstanding asyncs that need your acknowledgement. For this reason, adding a new async to the bottom makes it easy to be missed
  • cutoff time for a given date is 23:59PM UTC of the same day


  1. Dendron team members should add an acknowledgement (Private) for all previous day asyncs within 24h of the day


  1. The daily meeting notes for a given day will be imported into the meet.daily.{date} hierarchy every week on Wednesday.
    • NOTE: on Thursday, notes from previous Wednesday to this week Tuesday midnight will be imported and then erased from the google doc

Browsing old asyncs

All asyncs are stored under Async (Private)

