Setup Codespaces

setup codespaces

  1. go to
  2. create a code spaces that boots up using this setting:
    • select region to be close to where you are
    • choose 4core CPU
  3. this should launch you with vscode with code spaces
  4. downgrade the node version to v16 (the default is v17 which causes issues with some of our dependencies)
    nvm install 16
  5. go through installation instructions: Dendron Plugin Quickstart (Private)
  • NOTE: dendron will be located in /workspaces/dendron/dendron-main.code-workspace


same process as local with the following caveats.

a note on memory

you might run out of memory when working with codespaces. instead of running all packages, modify the following to only watch packages you are using.

npx lerna run watch --parallel 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-all 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-server 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/engine-server 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/plugin-core 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/dendron-cli 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/pods-core 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/api-server
    \ --scope @dendronhq/dendron-next-server
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-test-utils
    \ --scope @dendronhq/engine-test-utils
    \ --scope @dendronhq/bootstrap

you can use the same technique to only build packages after they have been modified

npx lerna run build --parallel 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-all 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-server 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/engine-server 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/plugin-core 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/dendron-cli 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/pods-core 
    \ --scope @dendronhq/api-server
    \ --scope @dendronhq/dendron-next-server
    \ --scope @dendronhq/common-test-utils
    \ --scope @dendronhq/engine-test-utils
    \ --scope @dendronhq/bootstrap