Reading Series


The Dendron Reading Series (Private) is done once a week at every release.


  • Visit reading series submissions on Airtable to see if there are any submissions that haven't yet been published
    • If so, select one that can be used for publication
    • For users that have a submission accepted for publication, make sure their [[people.*]] profile lists that they have the #role.scout role in the body, and give them the Scout role (Private) in Discord


  1. Create a new entry in{journal} with the date aligning to a release date
  • eg: dendron://dendron.dendron-site/
  1. Provide a link, and up to a few paragraphs on what you thought about it.
  2. Add a note reference in the weekly release notes
  3. Pin in on the #teatime (Private) channel using the reading series template1


  • when: do this 1 day after the reading series has been released
  1. On twitter, tweet about the reading series
  2. Divide up the comments. Make sure the link to the reading series shows up in the first tweet
  1. Is applicable, tag the original author/publisher/users mentioned as part of the tweet
  2. Remove any first person references from the post. If a paragraph exceeds the word count, editorialize/trim it

Example workflow:

  1. Template


  1. Template˄
